About the Journal
Journal of Research in Language & Translation (JRLT)
The Journal of Research in Language & Translation (JRLT) ISSN 1658-9246, is an open-access, bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal published by the College of Language Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. JRLT publishes original research papers and critical reviews of recently published books. JRLT was first launched in 2021 and sponsored by the Vice Rectorate for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (VR-GSSR) at King Saud University.
Current Issue
2024: Special Issue: AI and Translation Quality

- Mourad, G. (2024). Has the “intelligence” of artificial intelligence entered a recession? Journal of Research in Language and Translation, Special Issue, 7-11. https://doi.org/10.33948/JRLT-KSU-S-1-1
- Ayoub, R. (2024). Enhancing translation quality with AI: The human element at the core. Journal of Research in Language and Translation, Special Issue, 12-17. https://doi.org/10.33948/JRLT-KSU-S-1-2
- Mansoor, S., & Mansoor, H. (2024). Autoethnographic journey of academic writers as multilingual learners in neural machine translation: Human-AI assistance or flawed-AI tool? Journal of Research in Language and Translation, Special Issue, 18-37. https://doi.org/10.33948/JRLT-KSU-S-1-3
- AlGhamedi, N. (2024). Constraints to neural machine translation quality, human and automated evaluation, and quality improvement across language pairs: A systematic literature review. Journal of Research in Language and Translation, Special Issue, 38-79. https://doi.org/10.33948/JRLT-KSU-S-1-4